“Discover How To Stop Taking Things Personally And Start Living Life With A Smile At The NPA Expansive Weekend”
The NPA Expansive Weekend gives you training and practice in a fast effective self-help solution for letting go of the yukky stuff and letting in the yummy stuff of life!
- Do you take on ‘other peoples stuff’?
- Are you sensitive to criticism?
- Do you have any internal conflict?
- Do you feel like others have the stuff that you don’t – and you wonder why?
The NPA Expansive Weekend will make a real difference to your life right away!
PLUS it will give you simple yet powerful tools, and the know-how to use them, so you can continue to enhance your life and add incredible value going forward. There’s even ongoing support if you want it!
This Event Will Help You…
- Let go of any kind of stuckness, confusion, pain, illness, sense of lack or ongoing suffering
- Resolve conflict in your life and feel more peace?
- Continue to ‘work on your stuff’ but have more time and space to reap the benefits
- Stay connected to the realities of modern living, without compromising your commitment to a conscious lifestyle
- End the struggle with your ego
- Stop the constant striving to ‘fix’ the endless stream of imperfections
- Have the space to let rip and still maintain a high vibration :0)
- Just let go and let life be easy
- Reconnect you to the essence of You!
- Discover the most wholesome and sustainable way to take what you learn forward
- Master the NPA process, so you can use it to transform your life!
“All I can say is that it’s amazing. I just couldn’t have believed how powerful, and how fun and how really really deep this weekend was”
Henriika Maikku, Finland

“It wouldn’t necessarily be your first thought, but at the root of all our suffering is taking stuff personally. In this powerful weekend you’ll discover why that’s true at a quantum level and more importantly how you can stop the habit and set yourself free to live your best life.
The weekend is lots of fun and goes deep. It’s fully experiential, allowing you to participate in the letting go process right from the off! People have had all sorts of shifts from doing this weekend including letting go of physical conditions, long term behavioural habits and ending their emotional pain!
PLUS! This weekend goes even further and gives you incredibly simple ways to resolve relationship conflicts, inner turmoil and even deal with that parental baggage!
This is more than your standard personal development – it’s non-personal development and the NPA Process is a new approach that makes the whole healing, awakening and transformation journey SO much easier and more straight forward. AND it’s a game-changer when it comes to the Spiritual aspects of life in the 21st century – all of which adds up to a more easeful, connected and authentic life experience for you!
So, whether you’re new to this kind of transformational event or you’ve done loads but have hit an edge, or if you’re a coach or a therapist and want an awesome addition to your tool box, or perhaps you’re just looking for a simple way to feel better – in any case, I invite you to follow whatever passion in you is saying ‘yes!’ and reserve your place on this weekend!”
What This Event Is NOT…
This is NOT one of those ‘free’ weekend events that is filled with clever sales language, where you feel the pressure of them funneling you into some multi-thousand pound membership programme…
What This Event IS…
Is a properly priced seminar that is focused on giving you what you paid for there and then! AND it’s incredible value! You learn what to do and you do it, i.e. you make a difference in your life right on the spot. Plus you’re given instruction on how YOU can use the approaches going forward to bring even more transformation into your life. PLUS the community membership (which is worth that multi-thousand pound price tag by the way) is ALREADY part of your decidedly affordable ticket price – you just need to use it, to get the on-going support and community benefits included!
If deep down you just long for…
- Simplicity & ease
- A wholesome way to handle the tricky aspects of your relationships
- The Freedom to BE – beyond the limits of modern spiritual ideals, but not excluding them
- That experience of ‘flow’ that all the Guru’s promise
And you are willing to…
- Try something new?
- Perhaps question some ideas about who you are and why you are here?
- To experience life as it is, without an agenda and see where that takes you?
- To let it all be way easier than you ever thought possible?
Then join the 1000’s of others, in over 18 countries, that have raved about this game-changing weekend!
NPA Releases 2yr old from ‘Incurable’ Skin Virus:
Deborah Lacy,
Journey Practitioner, London
“My daughter Jasmine contracted Molluscum Contagiosum from swimming when she was about 10 months to 1year old. Basically there is nothing medically you can do for it. When we were in South Africa in January the bumps/rash flared up and became red and sore and developed into nasty sores. I became quite concerned and took her to a doctor who again said there was nothing I could do. So I decided to do some NPA. I think I did about 2 or 3 NPA processes. ‘This Jasmine’s skin virus, This energy of Jasmine’s skin virus’ etc. Anyway when we got back from South Africa it cleared up within about a week. Jasmine is now 2 years and 8 months”
Real People, Real Transformation
Many people come to NPA simply for it’s power to help them experience tremendous relief in some area of their life, or to find an easy way to allow themselves to experience some of the delicious possibilities of life that have thus far alluded them…
The impact of applying NPA is phenomenal. People are reporting huge shifts in consciousness, allowing them to experience relief and flow where they have been blocked for years, and an opening to allow their dreams to finally manifest.
Some results from NPA include…
- Emily’s autistic stepson has experienced peace and tranquillity for the first time
- Two year old Jasmine no longer has an ‘incurable’ skin virus
- Damien has given up smoking
- Susanne has let go of Excema
- Paulla has stopped her eye from constantly ‘watering’
- Laura & many others have let go of exhaustion
- Barry has finally let in love
- Harriet & others have noticed the headaches stop
- Anne watched 18 years of depression leave in two minutes!
- Valerie has let go of a lifetime of pain
- Joel & many others have lost weight and become much fitter
- Andrea’s 3 week asthma attack subsided within minutes
- Sarah has cleared her debt and imminent bankruptcy in 1 month (Look left for Video)
- Kathryn has moved from a state of financial crisis to a state of regular, healthy, wealthy income in just 33 days
Let’s have a quick look at an overview of The NPA Expansive Weekend…
Learn, Practice,
Let go & Open
Saturday is a lot of fun, will shift a lot of stuck old yuckiness out of your life and open you to all that lovely stuff you’ve been ‘trying’ to let in for ages!
Saturday is all about mastering The NPA Process and coming to a deep understanding of the non-personal nature of reality. It gives you a solid grounding in the powerful perspectives that will not only super-charge your NPA Processes but also come alive in your life going forward!
Expect a fun, practical and enlightening day of release!
Heal, Balance,
Harmonise & Co-Create
Sunday will take your understanding of what NPA is about (and where it can take you) to a whole new level!
We take a deep look at Relationship dynamics and you’ll learn how to go from conflict to harmony and balance. With brand new NPA approaches you’ll learn how to resolve domestic and family conflicts, inner turmoil and even deal with that parental baggage!
We’ll also step into the world of co-creative NPA where you learn how to leverage the non-personal power of group energy!
Expect a game-changing day of deep, powerful alignment within your energetic space!
And throughout the entire weekend you will:
Expand, Expand, Expand!
18 Years of Depression. Gone in 2 mins:
Ann Davies,
Therapist, UK
“I have used NPA alongside EFT and found it extremely powerful. I have suffered with depression on and off for 18 years or so. Yesterday, I felt like I was going into my “black hole” as I call it. I decided to take myself off for a walk and half way round the walk I ‘spewed’ out loud to myself to find the NPA cookie cutter phrase. It was “I’ve lost my way”. I then did the NPA whilst tapping my karate point and then under my eye (my special EFT release point) and then stood still for it to work it’s magic. After a few minutes I continued on my walk and by the time I got home, the “black hole feeling” had completely gone. For anyone who has suffered with depression this will seem unbelievable and it certainly felt that way to me. I also wanted to let Joel know that I found his workshop really easy to learn from. His teaching style is brilliant, funny, visual, open, interactive, hands on and sensitive. What more could anyone ask for?”
Book Now at No Risk With Our 100% Money Back Guarantee
We have absolute confidence that attending The NPA Expansive Weekend will have a profound and positive impact on your life. If you complete the weekend and don’t agree that you have, or will benefit from your experience and what you have learned, then we will give you your money back. Simple as that. So go ahead and book your place now!
An Upward Spiral:
Joseph Seiler CPCC,
“I was in a slump, a low like I had never experienced before. Fear was making inroads and I was thinking negative, debilitating thoughts, pushing away what I usually felt was good. Frankly, I was getting scared that something was wrong with me. Joel listened and waited and listened some more. He then asked my permission to use his Non-Personal Awareness (NPA) method with me. To my amazement and delight, within minutes, literally, I felt a shift toward the positive. It was an undeniable shift and many hours later I was still enjoying the feeling of it… I have been enjoying the quick and positive up-spiral that NPA seems to so easily bring any time that I choose to use it. My experience with such tools puts NPA right up there with ‘The Work’ of Byron Katie. Powerful and deceptively simple.”
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Click to watch a teaser/trailer for The NPA Expansive Weekend
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